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Emily Lane

Hi there... I’m Emily! I am 19 years old and currently a student at Salisbury University! I plan on graduating with a major in Elementary Education and a minor in Dance. At Salisbury, I am a part of an organization called Cru, which is a christian ministry I fell in love with my freshman year. I am a firm believer in enjoying the simple things in life, which is why I love being in nature, exploring small towns, lip syncing, yoga, spontaneous trips, being active, having spiritual conversations, and making memories with those I love. Anyone who knows me knows that cookies are my ultimate weakness and dance is my lifestyle. Any chance I get to dance, I’ll take! I am an aspiring performer and teacher and love seeing God move through me on the stage and in the classroom. In the future, I plan on continuing these passions by choreographing and teaching abroad. By doing so, I will hopefully help others find a creative outlet!

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